Rumen8 is owned and registered as a trademark by Rumen8 Nutrition Pty Ltd, a Western Australian based company with Directors Martin Staines and Richard Morris.
Richard Morris Richard worked for the Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia for 26 years, and as Dairy Research Officer for 15 years. His areas of expertise include intensive pasture management, forage conservation and cattle nutrition with a sound knowledge of dairy systems. Richard has tertiary qualifications in zoology and computer science and is now a consultant specialising in software and model development using Excel, VBA and .NET applications. Richard developed the original version of Rumen8 with Martin Staines while they both worked for the Department of Agriculture and they hope to keep improving it for many years to come.
Dr Martin Staines Martin has been one of the key providers of dairy research services to the Western Australian (and national) dairy industry for many years through his Research Officer role in the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia. Martin holds tertiary qualifications in agriculture and ruminant nutrition and holds a PhD in nutritional biochemistry (University of New England). Consequently, much of his experience has been in assessing and improving dairy herd feeding systems including both pasture and feed-based practices. His skills and experience, which have been obtained over a career spanning more than 30 years to date, also include research, project management and extension and communication. Rumen8 was a replacement for a DOS based tool called RuMEMP which Martin developed while he lectured at Lincoln University in New Zealand in the mid 1990s.